December 31, 2013.

This blog is now closed. After three years and 311 posts, I have decided to end this blog. I have enjoyed watching the films, reviewing them, and interacting with global readers.

If you are interested in contacting me, you can do so by commenting on any of the posts. The blog will remain live on the web.
Thank you to all the readers for your comments, ideas, and thoughts. They were helpful, stimulating, and enriching. This is Alene, signing off.

February 14, 2013

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

When it’s over, this coming of age film about adolescence and first loves is a must-see for Wes Anderson fans.  From the director of such films as Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009), The Darjeeling Limited (2007), The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004), and The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), comes another quirky, off-beat story that is focused on two young lovers, Sam and Suzy (Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward), who run away from home to be together. This sets off a massive search party by the occupants of a New England town, including Sam's scout captain (Edward Norton), Suzy's parents (Bill Murray and Frances McDormand), and the local police captain (Bruce Willis). It's definitely a star-studded line-up, with newcomers Gilman and Hayward, who hold their own amidst a veteran cast. The writing is very good as it pays close attention to the nuances of each character. The soundtrack is a bonus, adding a mixture of military beats and 60’s pop, which fits right into the scenes.  I like the film, but have trouble connecting with its young characters. Perhaps, I forget what it was like to be 12 years old, and especially, imagine being 12 years old and in love in the 60’s.  As much as I like the design of the film, I did not embrace the functionality of it.  It did not capture my heart as it was intended, but the journey was certainly a unique experience. I praise Anderson for his vision, voice, and style.  

My rating: 3.5 out of 5


  1. Thank you for visiting. Hope you will continue to find the material interesting. I welcome all comments.

  2. What a stuff of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precious experience about unexpected emotions.

    1. Growing up is strange, wonderful, and ambiguous. Wes Anderson captures that beautifully.
