December 31, 2013.
This blog is now closed. After three years and 311 posts, I have decided to end this blog. I have enjoyed watching the films, reviewing them, and interacting with global readers.
If you are interested in contacting me, you can do so by commenting on any of the posts. The blog will remain live on the web.
Thank you to all the readers for your comments, ideas, and thoughts. They were helpful, stimulating, and enriching. This is Alene, signing off.
I heard from someone who has seen the original that it was a lot creepier than this one. I find this a satisfying thrill. The idea of an alien body mimicking anything alive and breathing is just fascinating to watch, especially when it shows the actual transformation. I know, it's all just computer graphics and that makes it less scary but still awesome to watch. "Show me your metal filling, right now or I'll suspect you're an alien!" That's what I said to my viewing companion after watching this. Simple story line but I can't even remember what the aliens are after. I guess it's forgettable that way, but I'll still recommend watching this.. in the dark